2024 Season
Kentucky-Indiana Border Clash
Tuesday August 20, 2024
Varsity Girls
Athlete Mile 2 mile 5k Place/Points PR by
Reese Willis 7:08.6 15:28.6 24:16.6 55
Azlyn Moore 8:40.4 19:33.3 31:29.5 116 2nd 5K
Samantha Boggess 8:44.9 19:33.4 31:34.7 117 First 5k
Varsity Boys
Team Score- 173 Points 5th Place out 15 Teams
Athlete Mile 2 mile 5k Place/Points PR by
Bryce Revo 4:57 10:17.8 16:07.7 3/3
Briar Boggess 5:38.2 11:52.0 18:28.2 33/27 PR 55 Sec
Owen Halcomb 5:38.2 11:52.2 18:36.3 35/29 PR 87 Sec
Taylor Noffsinger 5:38.2 12:20.8 19:38.6 77/56
Ethan Bletzinger 5:55.8 12:41.3 19:50.4 80/57
Clay Langley 5:50.4 12:51.2 20:20.8 92/64 PR 2 Sec
Jonathan Mayes 7:19.0 15:39.2 25:04.4 155/99 First 5k
Dustin Lynch 7:18.9 15:49.6 25:47.1 161 First 5k
AUG 31, 2024
Team 12 th Place
Middle School Girls
2900m PLACE
Pasynn Pentecost 12:42.9 PR 23
Aubrey Porter 15:43.5 PR 97
Audrey Jenkins 16:18.5 108
Alexis Langley 17:39.4 PR 122
Isabella Ball 21:18.1 136
Middle School Boys
Briar Boggess 10:28.0 PR 9
Eli Colburn 11:38.1 42
Logan Colburn 12:36.4 PR 66
Tucker McGhee 13:46.8 98
Kason Devine 13:56.6 103
Claire Ashby 23:53.4 48
Reese Willis 23:54.4 49
Azlyn Moore 29:07.0 PR 170
Samantha Boggess
JV Boys 15th Place
Owen Halcomb 18:30.0 PR 24
Clay Langley 19:22.6 PR 65
Taylor Noffsinger 19:54.0 88
Ethan Bletzinger 20:16.7 113
Jonathan Mayes 25:04.9 310
Dustin Lynch 26:52.8 342
Varsity Boys
Bryce Revo 16:26.1 34
2024 Storm Invite Results
Girls Varsity
22. Claire Ashby 24:01.5
24. Reese Willis 24:04.2
51. Azlyn Moore 27:35.9 PR by 1.5 minutes
59. Samatha Boggess 31:08.5 PR by 26 seconds
Boys Varsity
Team 5th place 122 points
1. Bryce Revo 16:55.4 Breaks his old course record of 17:18
14. Briar Boggess 18:31.0
21 Owen Halcomb 18:49.2 Course PR by 2 minutes
24. Clay Langley 19:07.0
96. Dustin Lynch 24:28.2 PR by a minute
Girls Middle School
Team 13th place 336 points 2700m
53. Audrey Jenkins 13:33.5 PR
67. Aubrey Porter 13:56.8 Course PR by 3 minutes
74. Caylee Hamburger 14:17.2 First Timer
113. Alexis Langley 14:48.1 PR
137. Isabella Ball 18:04.8 PR
Boys Middle School
56. Kason Devine 12:13.3 PR
73. Tucker McGhee 12:38.0 PR
81. Trentyn Hodge 12:56.1 First Timer
127. Jayce Moore 15:18.9 PR 1 minute 15 second
Girls Elementary
Team 6th Place 134 points 1.1 Miles
15. Adalyn Fortney 10:50.5 First Timer
18. Raelyn Fortney 11:13.2 First Timer
39. Xiolani Orlow 12:02.6 First Timer
59. Ellie Thompson 12:56.7 First Timer
62. Kayleigh Porter 13:10.6 First Timer
87. Aubrie Thompson 15:19.9 First Timer
91. Landry Johnson 15:34.21 First Timer
96. Claire Napier 16:56.8 First Timer
98. Lydia Bivins 17:23.8 First Timer
100. Jenna Noffsinger 17:31.1 First Timer
101. Caylee Liken’s 17:38.4 First Timer
Boys Elementary
Team 2nd Place
10. Booker McPherson 9:57.8 First Timer
15. Mitchell Loma 10:09.5 PR
20. Boone Gill 10:24.7 First Timer
30. Reed Young 10:54.1 PR
48. Westynn Moore 12:17.5 PR .
76. Redge Young 14:38,5 First Timer
78. Brady Napier 14:58.9 First Timer
84. Natham Bivins 17:32.2j First Timer
2024 Mustang Stampede Results
Girls Varsity
36. Reese Willis 23:43.72 Best time 2024
112. Samatha Boggess 32:32.82
113. Azlyn Moore 32:46.86
Boys Varsity
Team 5th place out of 20 with 186 points
2. Bryce Revo 16:41.66
16. Owen Halcomb 18:28.27 PR by 5 seconds
47. Clay Langley 19:46.07
66. Taylor Noffsinger 20:13.11
81. Ethan Bletzinger 20:42.79
177. Jonathan Mayes 25:28.89
Dustin Lynch twisted ankle DNF
Girls Middle School
Team 10th place 220 points 4K
16. Pasynn Pentecost 19:16.29
46. Aubrey Porter 23:03.16
58. Audrey Jenkins 23:29.62 First 4K
95. Alexis Langley 29:11.65
107. Isabella Ball 34:34.13 First 4K
Boys Middle School
1. Briar Boggess 14:25.09 PR 2024 CHAMP!!!
70. Trentyn Hodge 21:36.54 First 4K
99. Jayce Moore 30:29.1
Billy Johnson twisted ankle DNF
Girls Elementary School
Girls Elementary
Team 7th Place 177 points 3K
20. Sadie Mefford 15:48.04 First 3K
25. Adalyn Fortney 16:23.13 First 3K
39. Raelyn Fortney 17:51.39 First 3K
66. Caylee Hamburger 19:14.49 First 3K
84. Xiolani Orlow 21:40.14 First 3K
97. Kayleigh Porter 22:52.5 First 3K
100. Aubrie Thompson 23:16.19 First 3K
101. Landry Johnson 23:30.98 First 3K
104. Hedy Mayes 24:14.74 First 3K
106. Sophie Matlock 24:52.71 First 3K
109. Elexa Peveler 25:26.4 First 3K
114. Ellie Thompson 26:54.77 First 3K
124. Claire Napier 29:44.5 First 3k
125. Kaylee Dorris 29:55.2 First 3K
126. Lydia Bivins 30:30.86 First 3K
127. Mia Minor 31:27.14 First 3K
Boys Elementary
Team 2nd Place 57 points 3K
7. Liam Houser 13:05.4 First 3K
13. Kason Devine 13:51.04 First 3K
15. Booker McPherson 13:54.51 First 3K
16 Logan Colburn 13:55.99
18. Lucas Houser 14:01. 75 First 3K
33. Boone Gill 15:20.84
37. Cole Brooks 15:38.42 First 3K
44. Tucker McGhee 16:20.12
61. Brooks Thompson 17:19.65 First 3K
69. Reed Young 18:05.06
72. Westynn Moore 18:48.96 First 3K .
88. Redge Young 20:45.38 First 3K
89. Jack Jackson 20:45.38 First 3K
93. Rhett Arnold 21:42.92 First 3K
96. Brady Napier 22:16.71 First 3K
104. Bradley Boarman 23:12.01 First 3K
113. Natham Bivins 28:46.78 First 3K
Sept 21, 2024
Team 18th Place with 428 Points
PR Place/Points Final Time New PR
Aubrey Porter 15:43.01 92/66 16:12.2 Moving on up
Audrey Jenkins 16;18.5 105/78 16:35 Only 17sec off PR
Caylee Hamburger 19:14.49 119/81 17:07.5 2 min 7 sec PR
Emma Fleming 16:20.75 136/93 17:51.8 First race of season
Alexis Langley 17:39.4 137/94 17:55.5 Just Missed PR Great Job
Isabella Ball 21:18.1 169/107 20:58.8 20 Second PR
Bailey Browning 175/114 22:24.0 FIRST RACE
Sophia Matlock 24:52.71 177 23:09.4 1 minute 43 Second PR
PR Place/Points Final Time New PR
Pasynn Pentecost 21:12.7 40 23:28.4 A head of Last Year
Azlyn Moore 27:35.9 109 27:53.2 Only 18 sec of PR
Samantha Boggess 31:08.5 148 31:04.6 NEW PR!
Team 9th Place out of 20 with 276 Points
PR Place/Points Final Time New PR
Eli Colburn 11:18.1 33/31 12:05.6 Moving on up
Logan Colburn 12:36.4 63/52 12:59.8 Just missed PR
Liam Houser 13:05.3 65/53 13:08.7 Only 3 sec off PR
Kason Devine 13:51.04 89/69 13:51.5 Only 0.4 off PR
Tucker McGhee 12:49.61 92/71 14:00.7 Best Race of the season
Trentyn Hodge 123/88 14:39.1 First 3K
Mitchell Loma 13:49.99 125/90 14:43.6 Youngest 7th Man
Isaac Opp 173 17:13.7 4th Day of CC
Billy Johnson 184 18:05.0 First Completed Race
Jayce Moore 18:12.22 202 20:38.1
Bradley Boarman 23:12.01 207 21:10.2 2 minute 2 Second PR
Team 13th Place with 329 Points out of 28 Teams
PR Place/Points Final Time New PR
Owen Halcomb 18:28.27 21/19 18:11.4 MCHS All-Time Top 20
Briar Boggess 18:28.1 30/27 18:34.1 TOP MS ATHLETE
Clay Langley 19:07.0 47/44 18:59.4 Sub 19 PR
Taylor Noffsinger 19:17.52 148/119 21:19.3
Ethan Bletzinger 18:46.98 149/120 21:20.7
Dustin Lynch 25:47.1 271/156 25:59.8 Almost PR
Trinity Invite Louisville, Ky
PR Place/Points Final Time New PR
Bryce Revo 15:51 36 15:44.61 6 Second PR 18th STATE RANK
Daviess Invite
October 5
Team Score 312 Points 13th place out of 14 teams
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Reese Willis 22:01.63 6:54 14:36 47/39 22:53.9
Pasynn Pentecost 21:12.7 6:51 14:37 61/50 23:43.9
Audrey Jenkins 8:07 17:17 90/70 26:46.9
Aubrey Porter 8:17 17:23 94/71 26:53.7
Samantha Boggess 31:04.6 8:59 19:05 114/82 30:51.8 PR: 13 Sec.
Team Score 250 points 8th place out of 23 teams
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Bryce Revo 15:44.61 4:51 10:17 5/5 16:25.7
Briar Boggess 18:28.1 5:25 11:18 31/27 17:38.6 PR: 50 Sec.
Owen Halcomb 18:11.4 5:25 11:18 32/28 17:38.7 PR: 33 Sec
Ethan Bletzinger 18:46.98 6:08 12:48 103/93 19:46.4
Clay Langley 18:59.4 5:36 12:34 107/97 19:56.7
Eli Colburn 21:15.3 6:12 13:23 146/130 21:20.5
Jonathan Mayes 25:04.4 7:25.6 16:51 180/149 27:24.3
Davies Invite
October 5, 2024
No Team
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Caylee Hamburger 10:44 21:17 65th 26:33.4
Alexis Langley 26:29.94 11:27 21:45 67th 26:52.8
Sophia Matlock 11:05 22:10 70th 27:48.0
Elexa Peveler 10:10 22:50 72nd 28.36.5
Team Scores 197 points 8th place out of 12 Teams
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Liam Houser 7:10 13:40 20/20 16:50.1
Kason Devine 7:50 14:50 44/36 18:36.3
Tucker McGhee 7:45 15:06 53/43 19:10.4
Lucus Houser 8:15 15:15 54/44 19:12.7
Isaac Opp 9:30 18:26 69/54 22:40.4
Trentyn Hodge 21:36.54 10:15 20:35 80/62 24:36.4
Joshua Johnson 9:54 20:35 83/64 25:18.1
Bradley Boarman 12:10 25:15 92nd 30:29.0
Billy Johnson 8:21 DNF
McCracken Invite
Oct 12, 2024
TEAM: 5th place with 82 points
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Claire Ashby 23:49.43 7:07 14/9 23:34.38 PR
Reese Willis 22:01.63 7:07 16/11 23:42.5
Pasynn Pentecost 21:12.7 7:07 24/18 24:48.93
Aubrey Porter 26:53.7 8:12 32/21 27:29.16
Audrey Jenkins 26:46.9 8:12 34/23 27:34.22
Samantha Boggess 30:51.8 8:12 39/26 29:25.78 PR
TEAM: 6th place with 136 points
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Owen Halcomb 17:38.7 5:35 11/9 18:30.39
Clay Langley 18:59.4 5:33 12/10 18:37.84 PR
Briar Boggess 17:38.6 5:47 18/15 19:01.91
Eli Colburn 21:15.3 6:30 46/40 21:30.96
Jonathan Mayes 25:04.4 7:38 82/62 27:25.24
Nooga At Night
Bryce Revo 15:44.61 4:45 10:00 5th 15:19 PR
Taylor Noffsinger 19:17.52 5:38 11:39 82nd 17:59 PR
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Caylee Hamburger 26:33.4 7th 23:49.67 PR
Alexis Langley 26:29.94 9th 25:58.66 PR
TEAM: 1st Place with 15pts
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Liam Houser 16:50.1 2/1 16:11.19 PR
Logan Colburn 18:01.74 5/2 17:38.85 PR
Kason Devine 18:36.3 6/3 17:42.54 PR
Lucus Houser 19:12.7 7/4 17:46.23 PR
Mitchell Loma 18:52.53 13/5 20:31.73
Bradley Boarman 30:29.0 16/6 29:07.87 PR
KTCCCA Middle School State Championship
Oct 19, 2024
3K 6th and Under BOYS
Team 11th out of 31 with 319 Points
Name PR Mile Place/Points Final Time New PR
Liam Houser 13:05.3 6:23 57/37 11:53.19 1:12 PR
Logan Colburn 12:36.4 6:33 60/40 11:58.33 :38 PR
Kason Devine 13:51.04 6:45 102/76 12:38.19 1:22 PR
Lucus Houser 14:01.75 7:03 110/79 12:50.57 1:11 PR
Tucker McGhee 12:49.61 7:03 127/91 13:10.83 Season PR
Name PR 2K/Place Place/Points Final Time New PR
Audrey Jenkins 26:46.9 10:01.73/232 207 20:20.14 6:20 PR
Aubrey Porter 26:53.7 11:08.24/287 261 22:04.41 4:49 PR
Alexis Langley 25:58.66 11:55.65/306 304 25:06.32 :52 PR
Caylee Hamburger 23:49.67 12:02.69/309 306 25:06.32
Name PR 2K/Place Place/Points Final Time New PR
Briar Boggess 14:25.4 6:27.23/19 18 14:24.56 PR
Marshall County 3A Region 1
October 26, 2024
Team: State Qualifiers in 5th Place with 134 points Just 8 points out of 4th place
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Claire Ashby 23:34.38 7:05 19/16 22:27.6 PR
Reese Willis 22:01.63 7:05 24/21 22:53.4
Pasynn Pentecost 21:12.7 7:05 29/24 23:34.3
Aubrey Porter 26:53.7 7:50 40/35 25:10.8 PR
Audrey Jenkins 26:46.9 7:50 43/38 25:54.4 PR
Azlyn Moore 27:35.9 8:11 48/42 27:37.8
Samantha Boggess 31:04.6 8:11 51/45 28:01.6 PR
Alexis Langley Alt
Team: State Qualifiers in 4th Place with 80 points.Lowest score in school history for a boys team
Name PR 1M 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Bryce Revo 15:44.61 4:58 4/4 16:31.17
Briar Boggess 17:38.6 5:33 12/12 17:36.23 PR
Owen Halcomb 17:38.7 5:33 14/14 17:39.82
Taylor Noffsinger 19:17.52 5:38 18/18 18:05.06 PR
Clay Langley 18:37.84 5:40 32/32 18:29.37 PR
Eli Colburn 21:15.3 6:17 54/54 19:56.32 PR
Ethan Bletzinger 18:46.98 6:25 63/63 21:15.44
Jonathan Mayes 25:04.4 Alt
November 2, 2024
Team Place 32nd 911 Points ( note - beat Region 4th Owensboro)
Name PR Place- 1M Place - 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Claire Ashby 22:27.6 156 - 6:44.7 169 - 14:14.3 164/139 22:17.49 10 sec PR
Reese Willis 22:01.63 183 - 6:52.0 196 - 14:29.5 189/161 22:48.48 Course PR
Pasynn Pentecost 21:12.7 203 - 6:58.8 201 - 14:36.5 199/170 22:58.15 Season Best
Aubrey Porter 25:10.8 262 - 7:57.3 260 - 16:31.7 257/219 25:46.65
Audrey Jenkins 25:54.4 261 - 7:47.0 258 - 16:27.7 260/222 26:08.29
Azlyn Moore 27:35.9 267 - 8:03.5 266 - 17:17,2 266/228 27:17.63 18 sec PR
Samantha Boggess 28:01.6 265 - 7:58.6 264 - 17:12.1 267/229 27:26.68 35 sec PR
Team Place 28th 717 Points
Name PR Place - 1M Place - 2M Place/Points Final Time New PR
Bryce Revo 15:44.61 40 - 5:04.3 68 - 11:00.3 77/70 17:25.3
Briar Boggess 17:36.23 175 - 5:40.2 159 - 11:41.3 142/128 18:08.93
Owen Halcomb 17:38.7 188 - 5:43.2 169 - 11:45.1 169/152 18:28.82
Clay Langley 18:29.37 164 - 5:36.5 197 - 12:01.3 197/177 18:54.11
Taylor Noffsinger 18:05.06 196 - 5:45.0 217 - 12:13.0 213/190 19;06.74
Eli Colburn 19:56.32 264 - 6:05.6 258 - 12:50.8 256/225 20:14.79
Ethan Bletzinger 18:46.98 279 - 6:14.1 269 - 13:04.9 261/230 20:23.17
2023 Season
August 19,2023
Name mile 2 mile 3 mile 5k place
Pasynn Pentecost 6:43 7:47-14:30 7:54-22:24 22:47.56 121st
Mallory Wilson 6:43 7:51-14:34 8:26-23:00 23:26.17 137th
Destin Lacefield 7:12 9:21-16:33 7:13-23:45 24:10.26 169th
Kaitlyn Bogess 9:29 11:42-21:11 12:10-33:21 33:55.83 241st
Reese Willis 7:12 Final Time 2012 Cut Course Somewhere should be DQ
Team Scores: 575 points 24th place out of 31 teams
Name mile 2 mile 3 mile 5k place
Bryce Revo 4:59 5:30-10:29 16:29.14 PR 38th
Ethan Bletzinger 5:52 6:10-12:02 6:48-18:50 19:16.81 PR 210th
Miles Bethel 5:48 6:58-12:46 6:22-19:18 19:39.34 235th
Owen Halcomb 6:19 6:31-12:50 6:49-19:39 20:03.85 PR 248th
Jaydan Phillips 6:19 6:42-13:01 7:04-20:05 20:29.41 PR 258th
Briar Boggess 6:21 6:42-13:03 7:14-20:17 20:38.46 264th
Clayton Langley 6:22 7:28-13:50 7:30-21:20 21:43.04 287th
Team Scores: 916 points 36th place out of 45 teams
AUGUST 26, 2023
Girls 5k
Name Mile 2Mile 3Mile Finish Place
Mallory Wilson 6:47 7:58-14:45 8:09-22:54 26-23:20.95 26
Taylor Johnson 8:53 11:30-20:23 12:10-32:33 32-33:05 91
Kaitlyn Boggess 10:20 13:04-23:24 13:53-37:17 68-38:25 95
Kayla Burden 10:45 13:35-24:20 13:26-37:46 59-38:45 96
Boys 5k
Name Mile 2Mile 3Mile Finish Place/Pts
Bryce Revo 5:10 5:30-10:40 5:33-16:13 25-16:38.54 3/2
Dawson Hymer 5:41 6:29-12:00 6:48-18:48 25-19:13.37** 22/20
Owen Halcomb 6:04 6:38-12:42 6:47-19:23 34-20:03.49** 34/31
Miles Bethel 5:46 7:01-12:47 7:31-20:18 30-20:48.24 44/37
Ethan Bletzinger 6:07 6:29-13:36 7:30-21:06 30-21:36.55 58/45
Jaydan Phillips 6:40 7:33-14:13 7:09-21:22 62-22:24.02 74/50
Logan Lathan 6:42 7:30-14:22 8:03-22:25 29-22:54.13 84/57
Team Score: 135 pts. 5th Place Note: ** = PR
Girls 3K
Name Mile 3K Time Place/Team Points
Pasynn Pentecost 6:47 13:35.41 6/5
Reese Willis 6:47 13:48.14 8/7
Riely Latham 8:26 17:27.08 39/32
Teagan Beliles 9:27 20:34.42 53/38
Lorelai Rolley 12:03 25:17.34 64/46
Michayla Noffsinger 12:09 25:25.87 65/47
Bella Freeman 12:53 25:50.66 66/48
Marie Loma 12:56 27:08.26 67
Dorinelly Loma 18:04 35:16.5 71
Team Score: 128 pts. 5th Place
Boys 3K
Name Mile 3K Time Place/Team Points
Brier Boggess 6:14 12:30.97 8/6
Eli Colburn 6:26 13:33.28 11/8
Clay Langley 6:32 13:23.13 23/16
Taylor Noffsinger 6:08 13:32.96 27/20
Gage Edwards 6:50 13:33.28 28/21
Landon Bletzinger 7:34 14:49.36 41/26
Noah Flening 8:11 16:44.61 55/32
Jonathan Mayes 8:10 17:57.08 59
Mikeal McElvain 8:56 20:30.09 67
Martin Mayes 14:39 30:01.04 76
Team Score: 71 pts. 3rd Place Trophy
Girls 2K
Name 2K Time Place
Emma Flening 10:51.7 25
Macy Handley 16:34.89 95
Boys 2K
Name 2k Time Place/Team Points
Logan Colburn 8:48.4 13/11
Tucker McGehee 8:56.32 15/13
Reed Young 12:10.89 73/52
Mitchell Loma 12:17.4 76/54
Grayson Mains 14:39.66 96/64
Storm Invite 9-9-23
** = Personal Record Pony Winners
Elementary 2K Time Place
Emma Fleming 11:14.9 11
Macy Hardley 15:36.2** 34
Logan Colburn 8:40.7** 4
Tucker McGehee 8:57.2 6
Mitchell Loma 9:47.1** 17
Reed Young 10:07.6** 23
Westynn Moore 10:44.4 31
Grayson Mains 11:21.3** 37
Holden Payton 11:32.7 39
Nehemiah Latham 14:52.3 48
Team: Boys 2nd place with 52 points.
Middle School 2700m Mile Split Final Time Place
Pasynn Pentecost 7:13 11:50.8** 1 Course Record
Reese Willis 7:34 12:10.9** 2
Liv Phelps 8:01 13:07.1 6
Riely Latham 8:41 13:50.3 10
Azlyn Moore 8:26 14:09.4** 12
Teagan Beliles 9:17 15:49.2** 20
Aubrey Porter 10:20 16:47.0 23
Carah Lambert 9:56 16:53.2 25
Lorelai Rolley 10:26 17:01.9** 26
Michayla Noffsinger 10:55 17:23.2** 27
Skylee Whitehouse 11:30 18:35.5 30
Maci Hendix 10:57 18:41.9 31
Tarynn Stanley 11:38 19:19.4 32
Victoria Frazier 13:36 20:59.4 35
Bella Freeman 14:41 23:12.4 36
Maria Loma 14:57 23:56.4 37
Dorinelly Loma 19:53 30:44.7 38
Team: Girls First Place with 15 points
Middle School 2700m Mile Split Final Time Place
Taylor Noffsinger 6:23 10:12.5** 2
Briar Boggess 6:25 10:24.9 3
Clay Langley 6:27 10:33.7** 4
Eli Colburn 6:42 10:52.5** 8
Gage Edwards 7:10 11:35.4** 14
Noah Fleming 7:37 12:13.6** 20
Mikeal McElvain 7:31 12:46.2** 25
Jonathan Mayes 8:34 14:09.7** 35
Jayce Moore 9:59 16:34.7** 43
Martin Mayes 14:44 23:53.6** 49
Team: Boys First Place with 25 points
High School 5K Mile 2 Mile Final Time Place
Mallory Wilson 7:10 8:25-15:35 7:57-23:32.5 2
Destin Lacefield 7:16 9:03-16:19 7:25-24:44.5 8
Bryce Revo 5:15 6:14-11:29 5:49-17:18.5 1 Course Record
Dawson Hymer 6:05 7:22-13:27 6:54-20:21.6 15
Owen Halcomb 6:24 7:20-13:44 6:58-20:42.6 18
Ethan Bletzinger 6:15 7:52-14:07 7:07-21:14.5 23
Miles Bethel 6:08 7:36-13:42 7:23-21:25.7 24
Logan Latham 6:46 8:38-15:14 7:24-22:38.5** 33
Jaydan Phillips 6:45 8:32-15:27 7:16-23:43.6 39
Team: Boys fourth place 73 points 2 points away from a third place trophy
Mustang Stampede
September 16, 2023
Girls 5k
Name Finish Time Place X for PR/Course PR
Mallory Wilson 21:20.59 20th 3 second PR
Destin Lacefield 25:02.22 58th Beat Last Year by 6 sec
Boys 5k
Name Finish Time Place/Pts PR by seconds/Course PR
Bryce Revo 15:51.8 2/2 37 second PR
Dawson Hymer 18:24.94 41/38 59 Second PR
Miles Bethel 18:42.8 45/42 Beat Last Year by 36 Sec
Ethan Bletzinger 19:39.8 63/57 Beat Last Year by 20 sec
Jaydan Phillips 20:29.41 73/64 29 second PR
Owen Halcomb 20:17.18 78/68 Beat Last Year by 42 sec
Logan Lathan 20:50.5 92/76 2 minute PR
Team Score: 203 pts. 9th Place
Girls 4K
Name Finish Time Place/Pts PR by seconds/Course PR
Reese Willis 16:53.36 8/8 5 minute PR
Pasynn Pentecost 17:22.2 10/10 Beat Last Year by 1:12
Liv Phelps 18:29.47 22/18 3 minute PR
Riely Lathan 18:59.15 25/21 3 minute 43 second PR
Azlyn Moore 20:37.73 41/35 4 minute 16 second PR
Latrricia Campbell 23:06.4 61/47 First Time in Event
Teagan Beliles 23:15.72 63/49 2 minute 23 second PR
Carah Lambert 25:37.47 69 First Time in Event
Alexis Langley 26:29.95 71 2 minute 30 second PR
Skylee Whitehouse 26:44.65 72 First Time in Event
Maci Hendrix 28:46.56 78 First Time in Event
Victoria Frazer 0:30.14 79 First Time in Event
Marie Loma 34:44.34 81
Dorinelly Loma 40:49.88 82 1 minute PR
Team Score: 92 pts. 2nd Place
Boys 4K
Name Finish Time Place/Pts PR by seconds/Course PR
Taylor Noffsinger 14:42.92 6/3 4 minutes 20 seconds
Brier Boggess 14:57.49 8/5 3 minutes 7 seconds
Clay Langley 15:10.08 11/8 4 minutes 10 seconds
Gage Edwards 16:12.63 30/24 42 Seconds
Noah Flening 17:21.96 47/36 3 minutes 36 seconds
Landon Bletzinger 17:36.68 54/42
Mikeal McElvain 19:35.92 70/54 First Time in Event
Jonathan Mayes 21:22.02 77 First Time in Event
Jayce Moore 24:44.4 84 14 minute 6 second PR
Team Score: 76 pts. 2nd Place Trophy
Girls 3K
Name Finish Time Place/Pts PR by seconds/Course PR
Emma Flening 16:20.75 34/28 2 minute 9 second PR
Kember Gill 17:46.53 46/34 First Time in Event
Shealyn Bratcher 18:14.52 53/39 First Time in Event
Michayla Noffsinger 18:18.24 54/40 First Time in Event
Lorelai Rolley 18:27.87 56/42 First Time in Event
Aubrey Porter 19:23.98 62/46 First Time in Event
Bella Freeman 20:52.48 68/51 1 minute 36 second PR
Macy Handley 24:20.89 77 2 minute 47 second PR
Team Score: 183 pts. 8th Place
Boys 3K
Name Finish Time Place/Pts PR by seconds/Course PR
Tucker McGehee 12:49.61 8/8 First Time in Event
Logan Colburn 13:11.91 12/12 First Time in Event
Mitchell Loma 13:49.99 20/16 First Time in Event
Boone Gill 14:59.4 28/19 First Time in Event
Ross Lear 15:46.25 37/22 First Time in Event
Bryson Starin 15:56.67 40/23 First Time in Event
Westynn Moore 17:42.23 50/25 First Time in Event
Nehemiah Latham 21:19.43 64 6 minute 30 second PR
Martin Mayes 24:25.3 67 First Time in Event
Team Score: 77 pts. 3rd Place Team Trophy
Muhlenberg County Elementary School Championship
K-2 Girls Championship K-2 Boys Championship
1. Raelyn Fortney MSES 3:24 1. Gill Boone MSES 3:05
2. Ally Nelson GV 3:55 2. Booker McPherson MSES 3:12
3. Ember Cobb GV 3:59 3. Westynn Moore GV 3:19
4. Aubrie Thompson GV 3:59 4. Kyler Hightower GV 3:46
5. Adalyn Fortney MSES 4:03 5. Nemo Latham GV 3:51
6. Araina Colburn MSES 4:10 6. Daniel Loma CC 3:53
7. Calynn Ketchum GV 5:09 7. Cannon Evitts GV 4:05
8. Mallory Bartlett GV 6:10 8. Remi Buchannon MSES 4:13
9. Kingston James GV 5:05
Team Champ: Greenville 24 10. Jonah Fleming MSES 5:35
11. Emmett Fleming MSES 6:12
Team Champ: GV 28 MSES 32
3-5 Girls Championship 3-5 Boys Championship
1. Shealyn Bratcher GV 3:09 1. Tucker McGehee GV 2:52
2. Kember Gill MSES 3:14 2. Logan Colburn MSES 2:56
3.Sadie Mefford MSES 3:15 3. Liam Houser GV 3:59
4. Emma Fleming MSES 3:18 4. Jayce Harris GV 3:08
5. Emily Nelson GV 3:31 5. Bryson Strain GV 3:10
6. Ross Lear MSES 3:13
Team Champ: MSES 7. Lucas Houser GV 3:14
8. Eston Cobb GV 3:22
9. Mitchell Loma CC 3:28
Team Champ: Greenville 20
Louisville Classic
September 30,2023
Girls 5k
Name Mile 2 mile 5K Place X for PR
Mallory Wilson 6:41 14:12 22:41.1 10th
Reese Willis 7:02 14:26 22:54.4 13th
Pasynn Pentecost 6:51 14:26 23:34.4 24th
Destin Lacefield 7:02 14:38 25:02.22 26th
Riely Latham 8:09 18:11 29:20.0 141st
Azlyn Moore 8:39